Thursday, April 25, 2013

First Post, an introduction before I get stuck into it!

New here. Hi.

I'm not new to blogging, in fact I'm a bit 'old hat' to it.. but since Social Media took over the world (as well as life and all that other junk) I've been right out of it. Oh I do miss the old LiveJournal days - but they're over.

So here I am. With nothing much to say, but an awful lot of it.

I'm a mum of 2 lovely little brats - I have a Ninja who is nearly 7 and a Princess who is nearly 4. Before I get into debates about social-conditioning and gender-stereotyping - I don't care, it's what they like.

I like to sew things. Today I set my sewing machine up and sewed something and thought about putting up a tutorial, so that's why I've decided on this today. As referenced in my blog name, I tend to sew first and thing later, I have a fair amount of Unpickers/Seam-rippers lying about so I can find one when needed.

I also like to run. Or I like to say I like to run, and then not actually do it ;) But there may be times I actually think about running and, in that case, I may post about it. I do get proud of my running achievements!

For those who know me, I'm going to try and handle this blog with a bit of named anonymity (because I know I won't be able to help but post photos! But I'll at least leave off names) if you'll grant me that. This blog will be used for all sorts of things, I hope.

I'll leave this here. And come back later to keep going, keep my thoughts down. I'll pretty up this blog later.


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